Welcome to Leviathan Auditor's Home Page

Leviathan is a network auditing and penetration tool which runs on and againist Microsoft machines.The aim of the project is to help security and network programmers to learn what they sometimes call "The Magic"...Leviathan Auditor is an open source project so anybody who agrees the GPL can get its source.

Current Feature List :

Enumerates users,
Enumerates local groups
Enumerates shares , hidden shares
Enumerates transports
Enumerates installed services,sessions,registry,date-time etc.

Enumerates RPC portmapper entries over TCP port 135

Audits MS SQL Server "SA" account with NULL password and if so, it has a command executor to execute MS-DOS commands as Administrator remotely. 

How to get it?

Download Leviathan Executables.

Download Leviathan Sources.

Feel free to contact with me , at egemen@kutbil.com  for any suggestions and comments!   



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